I Can’t Wait To Be Married So That I Can…. – Read This Girl’s Wonderful Facebook Post
A Facebook user has been going viral after she posted how she intends to take care of her husband when she gets married. Here’s what she wrote:
Be combing his short hair until he falls asleep on my bosom
Knot his tie before he goes to work and spray him my perfume so he always thinks of me anytime he sniffs himself
Hide under the bed and pinch him with a neddle
Pretend to be sleeping and sick while he dresses our kids for school and prepares breakfast.
Picmix and enlarge his baby picture plus picture of him sleeping like a rooster and hang it on my office wall.
Stylishly push him out of the bed while sleeping or dreaming.
Drag the TV remote with him.
Tell him that one man like that is looking at me in a sexually unhealthy way so they can argue lemme be entertained.
Open another account on Facebook with another woman’s fine picture and try to seduce him to see if he’s a dog or a dolphin.
Bathe him myself and ask him to close his eyes like a child and hug mama.
Engage in a farting competition with him.
Wear our Arsenal jerseys on our night outings and irritate other football clubs.
Yell at him that I’m done dressing up when I’ve not even applied ordinary concealer/foundation.
Bribe 4 women or 6 men to tell him this “wow nice haircut, You look so charming. I like your watch, did .
your beautiful wife buy it for You? Lovely shoes. You must be lucky to have praise in your life”.
Invite his friends over for a sleepover and make white rice and meat peppersoup for them plus grabbing
a mic to entertain them.
Build an empire with him.
Be the pastor and he will be my church.
Spoil him with bad things and plenty gifts.
Travel to places we can’t even pronounce with him.

Bring him a bouquet of roses to his office and leave silly love notes in his pocket.
Change his Facebook name to, “My wife runs this account, Beware!”.
Laugh while he makes love to me.
Do novena for him constantly for his prosperity.
Defend/protect him with my love and life.
Use his toothbrush to brush my teeth while he barks like a dog