A 22-year-old woman celebrated and popped a glass after becoming a landlady overseas at such a young age.
The lady (@mkaythecreator) was ecstatic as she stood behind her new white Audi parked in front of the house.
With her accomplishment, she claimed to have broken a hereditary curse. Many in her comment section inquired how she did it.
Several people stated that they were attempting to figure out their life at the age of 22.
In another video, the landlady showcased the house’s interior.
Watch her video below.
Some of the reactions listed below:
CUTE LITTLE THING said: “Me watching this in my 18 and believing the universe for mercy and grace.”
damaris_ba_ said: “I can’t believe I’m teary, congratulations loveee.”
JB said: “I don’t even know you but I’m so proud of you & pray God blesses you with many more homes to come. The courage it takes to break a generational case!! Congratulations.”
Lissa Edd said: “I’m 22 and I still ask my mum what will I eat this night.”
lil.Keesha said: “I will always be clapping for other Women until it’s my turn.”
jaylene n said: “Praise God, so so happy for you!”
efriyie said: “Me at 22 using iPhone 7plus.”