“I didn’t say no to a fiancé I should’ve said no to” – DJ Cuppy reveals


Famous billionaire DJ Cuppy admits that one of her biggest regrets from the previous year was not saying no to a fiancé she should have said no to.

 DJ Cuppy

Cuppy claimed to have learnt to say no in a famous video. She had one of her most difficult years in 2023 because she couldn’t say no.

She went on to say that she accepted possibilities and a fiancé to which she would otherwise have declined.

The affluent heiress said she burnt out from juggling too many responsibilities at once, such as preparing a wedding and attending Oxford University.

She said that it is appropriate because burned-out people are not useful to themselves or anybody else 

It’s worth mentioning that DJ Cuppy and her fiancé, Ryan Taylor, called off their engagement in 2023.


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