“I Have A Crush On Donjazzy And Would Love To Marry Him” – Sikira From “Clinic Matters”

Nigerian actress Kubra Deborah Emokpaire, who  became popular for her role as Sikira in the TV series ‘Clinic Matters’, says she’s single by choice she explains why she is crazy about top music producer and singer, Don Jazzy and would love to marry him..

In a recent interview the actress revealed that she has a crush the music industry and he is Don Jazzy and would love to marry him someday, Speaking on the type of man she want it seems that all the qualities she mentioned matches that of the legendary singer Don Jazzy, “I love sincerity, just be presentable and smell good. Your personality is what matters to me”.

However, The Clinic Matters star is not happy with the situation in the movie industry saying roles are no longer gotten on merit.  “It is a whole lot more difficult than it used to be but with hard work and dedication. I’m sure we are going to conquer it.

This is because a lot of gate crashers have come into the industry. Gone are the days when only talented people with passion came into the industry, now, you have a lot of gate crashers because it is an all-comers affair.

 They have so much compromised standards to the extent that roles are now given to people that have money to pay for roles. Now the industry has deteriorated so bad that you don’t act to get paid, you pay to get featured.

 She pinpointed and suggested a way forward “We should keep sentiment aside and give roles to people who genuinely merit it.

What is killing the industry is sentiment, clique, my personal thing – a cartel which if you don’t belong, you won’t be given a role and you know I can interpret this character better than your friend and maybe the person is your friend or has paid you some money, you manage the person.

 They should stop managing actors. If you do not have what it takes then acting is not for you. Stop cutting corners and give roles to those who genuinely merit it. Let the professionals in the game do it. Those that are born to do this..

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