- Korth warned those behind the vile messages to desist or risk being persecuted
- She revealed that she has sent a letter to the embassy and notified them of the death threats.

Singer, Davido’s cousin, Sina Rambo’s estranged wife, Kiedi Korth has raised alarm over the number of death threats she has been receiving.
In a public announcement, she warned those behind the vile messages to desist or risk being persecuted. Korth noted how she is a German citizen by birth, hence, enjoys security from the German embassy.
She revealed that she has sent a letter to the embassy and notified them of the death threats.
“I have been getting a lot of threats messages. Death threats and all. I will like to use this medium to say that I am a GERMAN citizens m by BIRTH and nationality and so are my KIDS if anything happens to me or any of my family member.
You will have the German embassy to contender with. A letter has been sent to the embassy for notification already! Love and light. I will start posting publicly any threats because this has to STOP!!”.