- The lady went as far as tagging her mother as a wicked witch, praying for karma to eventually catch up with her for everything she has done.
- She maintained that nothing can change her hatred for her mother and she regrets ever knowing her.

A young lady has stirred reactions on TikTok after expressing her resentment towards her biological mother whom she tagged a ‘wicked witch.’
She maintained that nothing can change her hatred for her mother and she regrets ever knowing her.
She went as far as tagging her mother as a wicked witch, praying for karma to eventually catch up with her for everything she has done.
In her words:
“How do I tell this woman that I regret ever knowing her, not to talk more of you wicked witch being my mom.
“I hate you for life and nothing can ever change my hatred for you, you call yourself a woman of God but can’t act accordingly to the things of God. Karma will surely catch up with you at the right time.”
See some of the reactions culled below:
@Progress Enwelunta said: “Everybody dey write good good things, e reach your turn.. you write opposite Nawa o”.
@Adora🦋🦋 wrote: “not everyone has good relationship with their moms …. kudos to us who do”.
@Ly Dia said: “That’s your business man😏”.
@OkaliDavid questioned: “She vote 4 tinibu?😂🤣
cuz i don’t see any othee reason to hate ur mom no matter what.”
@Anyi Tabe Tj reacted: “Please forgive her. As a parent, I’ve come to understand how some of us hurt our kids so badly and act like nothing happened. it’s well 💞.”