A Nigerian lady has been captured in a video listing her conditions for being in a relationship while speaking with an admirer who was making approaches on her.
She was on the phone with him and told him that if he wants to date her, he had to be willing to spend money and accept the duty of taking care of her.
According to the lady, if he wants to be her boyfriend, he should act like it, and if he is unable to accomplish everything she requests, he should leave her alone.
She emphasized that she is unemployed and that it is his responsibility to pay all of her bills, but while she was repeating this to the guy on the other end, her roommate could be heard cheering her on.
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Reacting to the post..
@iamkingdinero1 commented; As a man instead of you to waste your money on people like this , buy dogs train ,spend your money on it when e born you sell the puppies and make profit, cause WTF is this ?
@mrpossible700 wrote; You won’t know how sweet relationship taste until you leave these broke girls alone.
@thollulawpe opined; As a man, imagine after working hard to make money, next thing is we go out and start begging a girl to come and help us spend our hard earned money… Are we MEN even normal at all?
@mr_nhn said; And if you dont want to date her, allow her to continue her hustle in peace! Her terms and conditions are clear – Buyer beware!
@vickie_toriee_felix wrote; But honestly men should stop thinking about s** only, u have to takecare of her support her business when she’s in need mk sure u support her to ease her stress …
And ladies don’t just tell a guy to take care of u ..get to know him first if u see he’s not good enough to take ur pain as his then walk away but stop sounding like u are desperate and all u want is his money don’t do that …
I heard her say she doesn’t work but why ??? Ladies please try and acquire a skill infact acquire as many skills as u can ….men make sure u don’t date a girl that doesn’t have any handwork …make sure she has something she’s doing.Then support her business financially be there for her let her know she’s doing well for her self that’s why u are supporting her it will encourage her to be better and that way she won’t always ask u for money cuz she has something she’s doing aswell…
Men don’t forget to run from girls that doesn’t want to do anything but just want to extract money from u. And also men don’t be too fast to ask a lady for S** it ruins everything and ladies don’t be too fast to ask for money Thank you.
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