I’m so livid – Singer Simi responds to critics for saying she does not listen to music

“Y’all need to let your firstborns breathe” — Simi advocates

Nigerian artist Simi has turned to social media to express her displeasure with the misinterpretation of her comment, in which she indicated that she does not really listen to music.

After receiving criticism on social media over her statement, she turned to X to clarify, saying, “I’m deading that shit immediately. I said I don’t listen to music. I don’t know songs. If I wasn’t me, I wouldn’t know my songs, and if I wasn’t with my man, I probably wouldn’t know his either, because I don’t listen to anything.”

The singer went on to express her dissatisfaction with media coverage of her opinions, accusing some sources of manipulating her words to elicit negative responses.

“I hate doing these stupid interviews sometimes because they don’t care about supporting you. They will either lie or post things out of context so people can pile on you. I hate wicked people. And I said this in response to a question in an interview,” she added.

“I’m so livid. Leave me alone,” she stated in another post.

A curious fan asked on X, “Did you actually say that? Cos I’m of the belief that only people who listen to a LOT of good music can make the kinda music you make. I’d know, I write songs too.”

“I don’t listen to anything. I find a voice I like, I binge their project for a month and move on. I don’t listen to songs or know any artists that are not in my face. It’s not a flex. It’s just my truth. I try and I’m terrible at it,” she responded.

All of this follows her previous interview on the Zero Conditions Podcast, during which she revealed that, contrary to popular belief, she does not listen to music. She also stated that she knows her partner, Adekunle Gold’s music, because they are married.

She said,  “I don’t know anybody. The reason I know my husband’s songs is because I am married to him; the reason I am listening to my album now is because it just came out. In another few weeks, I won’t listen as much.”

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