- Be it as it may, congratulations began pouring in from the event as several international music stars hailed her for the win.
- A video however captures the moment DJ Khaled and his wife both congratulated Tems for the rare and prestigious win.
- The music boss however got tongues wagging over his appeal to Tems before giving her a hug.

Renowned American DJ and Singer, DJ Khaled expresses deep admiration for Nigerian songstress, Tems.
DJ Khaled who was evidently in awe of Tems told her that he’s her biggest fan when they met on the red carpet at the 65th Grammy Awards which was held on Sunday, February 5, 2023.
The American singer shook her hand warmly as he praised and congratulated her on her Grammy Award win.
He then requested for a permission to hug her which Tems promptly granted.
The sonorous musician bagged her first Grammy Award ever in the ‘Best Melodic Rap Performance’ category at the event for her contribution to Future’s “Wait for U”.