Reno Omokri, a well-known author and social commentator, has ignited debate with his latest advice on age differences in relationships. He specifically addressed the factors that men consider while selecting a life partner.
Reno Omokri, in a statement, underlined the necessity of a healthy age gap in monogamous couples.
Omokri began by addressing males with a strong libido, warning them against marrying ladies their own age or a few years younger. He reserved his greatest admonition for those considering marrying a woman who is older than them.
Omokri’s main point is around the enduring nature of male libido as opposed to the natural decline of female libido with time.
He stated, “You, as a man, will retain your libido into your eighties and possibly nineties if God spares your life. But women do not retain theirs that long.” This fundamental difference, he argued, could pose challenges in a monogamous marriage when a wife’s libido diminishes, but her husband’s remains robust.
Omokri highlighted the potential consequences of such an imbalance, including the temptation to seek intimacy outside the marriage. He questioned, “What are you going to do? Start disturbing Unilag girls?”
“If you are a man with a healthy libido, it is risky to marry a woman who is of the same age as you. It is also risky, but less so, to marry a woman who is just a few years younger than you. However, IF you plan on a monogamous marriage, then it will be dis trous to marry a lady who is older than you. If you both agree that you can be polygamous, then it is not a problem. You say you are in love? Listen, love cannot control your libido. You, as a man will retain your libido into your eighties and possibly nineties if God spares your life. But women do not retain theirs that long. I do not think it is fair.
But gender libido imbalance is a fact of life. So, if you marry a woman who is your age mate or older than you, and she loses her libido after menopause, but you retain yours, what are you going to do? Start disturbing Unilag girls? That is why there should be a healthy age gap between husband and wife for a viable marriage.”