It’s All Lies; Seun Egbegbe Is Allegedly Still ‘Chilling’ In Police Cell


Earlier today Seun Egbegbe released a statement saying he was never arrested, it was all misunderstanding which has been settled and he’s at home chilling, but that was a big lie.

According to GoldMyneTv who visited the place, Seun is actually still ‘chilling’ inside police cell at Area F Divisional Police Station, Ikeja.


Read the report after the cut.

“Earlier today Seun Egbegbe Allegedly released a statement stating he is chilling in his House, well that can be true because (Who ever steals can lie)


However #GoldmyneTv Visited Area F Divisional Police Station today and we can categorically tell you that Seun Egbegbe is CHILLING behind bars (Police Cell) and not in his house as he claims.