Jealous Husband Slices Wife’s Phone into Two Parts for Not Revealing Her Password

Jealous Husband Slices Wife’s Phone into Two Parts for Not Revealing Her Password
Jealous Husband Slices Wife’s Phone into Two Parts for Not Revealing Her Password

A husband has been reported to have sliced his wife’s phone into two different parts for refusing to tell him her password to the phone.

A lady identified as Chibuzor Sandra Jim Ananaba‎ posted the story on behalf of the woman and according to her she didn’t think her husband had any right to do such.

When the husband requested for the password to the phone and the woman could not provide it, he threatened to slice the phone just like onions. The woman thought he was joking until he carried out the act and cut the phone into two parts with a cutlass.

Read Chibuzor Sandra Jim Ananaba‎’s post below;

Jealous Husband Slices Wife’s Phone into Two Parts for Not Revealing Her Password

“My jealous husband did this to my phone. Just because I couldn’t give him it’s password. The phone is mine for crying out loud, what should I do?” He said I should come and watch him slice it as onions I taught he was joking. he then took cutlass and hit the phone so hard it divided into two, This is my privacy ,can’t I have privacy in my home?

A lot of people however reacted to the story and most of the blame actually went to the woman whom was believed to be hiding something from her husband. It was speculated that the husband must have been suspecting the wife before he requested for her phone.

These are the comments dropped by users on the Forum where the story was shared

May be she is addicted to her phone, stubborn or she has a skeleton in her phone. Don’t worry, he will buy another phone for you and don’t be stingy with your phone because your phone is his phone.

Another person said:

What is she even hiding see..its better they end this marriage now before he slices her one day because trust has been eroded ..the bible says clearly that women must should submit to their husband and I guess in modern day context passwords should be included