Just In: Grace Mugabe Is Allegedly Divorcing Robert Mugabe

Just In: Grace Mugabe Is Allegedly Divorcing Robert Mugabe Just In: Grace Mugabe Is Allegedly Divorcing Robert Mugabe

Former First Lady of Zimbabwe, Grace Mugabe has reportedly filed for divorce from her 93-year-old husband Robert Mugabe after he was ousted as the President, Zimbabwe Today reports.

Grace Mugabe and Robert Mugabe have been married for 21 years. Grace began by working as the secretary of then President Mugabe and when his wife, the former First Lady died, she married the President and immediately became First Lady. She remained First Lady for 21 years until he husband was ousted last month.

Sources close to the Mugabe family confirmed that Grace Mugabe has filed for divorce. The South African born woman has reportedly voiced concerns over her role as the former First Lady of Zimbabwe, claiming that it’s about time she enjoys some peaceful life. She reportedly said she is not prepared to be ridiculed for the years ahead and that her ostracism and her husband’s resignation as the leader of Zimbabwe have gradually grown into a life-threatening headache.

A family source told Zimbabwe Today: “She’s been very upset ever since Mugabe gave up to hand over power to his ousted Vice-president. She wanted a role as a First Lady, not as a woman who acts as subordinate. She is also not prepared to leave her luxurious lifestyle to live in a home of captivity. She thinks that the decor is despicable and beyond repair.”

Judiciary spokesman, Lawrence Brown has confirmed divorce proceedings were in motion and if both parties agree, they could go their separate ways in about a month.