Ladies See Reasons Why You Are Responsible For Your Relationship Not Working the Way You Want

Yeah, it’s true you truly loved that person, you gave in all yourself (your effort, heart, mind and time) in that relationship, you made adjustments and accepted many things for the good of the relationship, you had too much hope and plans for it. But all that wasn’t appreciated and valued.

They ended it with you and broke your heart . They moved in with someone else. You are now hurting and regretting. You feel used and wasted. You are having sleepless nights because of too much thoughts and pain.

Sometimes we are responsible for our heartbreaks and disappointments in relationships. We love people so much more than we love ourselves, we trust them so much more than we trust God our creator, we love while expecting a lot from people,

We see the warning and letting go signs but still we get stuck in there till we are completely broken down and lastly, we never learn and apply any lesson(s) from our past. We need to work on those few things in order to shield our hearts from disappointments and heartaches all the time and to have lasting relationships.

If you’re wondering why you fall in love more than any of your friends, and why so few guys seem to reciprocate your feelings, it’s time to consider whether or not you have an unhealthy emotional attachment to men.

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