Lady Narrates How She Discovered Her Boyfriend Eats Poo For Yahoo Plus Rituals [Read Shocking Story]

Successful Ways To Talk To Women And Make Them Love YouLady Narrates How She Discovered Her Boyfriend Eats Poo For Yahoo Plus Rituals [Read Shocking Story]

A Nigerian lady has come online to make a shocking revelation on how she found how out the ritualistic lifestyle of her boyfriend – now turned ex. It turned out to be that the guy is into ‘yahoo plus‘

She made a statement about the first day they kissed and she developed a mysterious sore all over her gum, immediately after the first kiss.

Read her statement below:

I posted a story some time ago, about kissing someone I just started dating and when I got home, I had sores all over my gum, I didn’t think it was something serious since the first sore went away after 2days.

Well, reading comments here made me really scared, some people suggested I had herpes, so I had to rush to the hospital the next day…. Doctor ran a check on me, and thankfully, it wasn’t herpes but oral thrush.

Now, here’s the main gist…

I visited le boo (now ex), with the intention of discussing what I noticed with him, and to know what he actually eats that causes me to have those sores.

On my way to his house, I perceived a very awful smell at just outside the gate, I felt its normal refuge smell, so I didn’t take it to mean anything.

Few minutes after I visited, his friend also came visiting, and we were all just in the parlor gisting, before NEPA took the light…. Lee boo went to turn on the gen and his friend went with him, I also decided to go to the kitchen to find something to drink, that was when I heard their discussion.

My people, it turned out lee boo was telling his friend that the last excreta (shit) they brought was smelling very terribly, he said he just managed to use little amount to eat bread and then threw away the remaining in the neighbors trash, his friend was laughing and then told him to just tell the guys that bring it not to bring the one that smells too much.

I fainted and woke up, I couldn’t believe my ears, what????

He was into yahoo plus???? I don’t understand, I know where he works and besides, I wasn’t even dating him for money, I was devastated, it didn’t make sense, why would he involve in such??Anyway, I quickly ran back to the parlor, sat down and pretended not to hear anything.

As soon as he came out, I just told him I needed to go, he was surprised because I only just got there, but I gave one excuse and he let me go, with promise I was to see him the next day, he saw me off to the car and I drove off, that’s the last time I’d ever see him again, thank God he doesn’t know my house. God forbid bad thing.

I’m still petrified, may God save us ladies from evil ooo, there’s a lot out there, one can’t be too sure again…

But u see ehh? Before I date anybody again; he has to do HIV test, mouth swab, mental check and spiritual check…… I’m done with relationships for now.