The Little Taju That Nigerian Celebrities Have Been Searching For Has Been Found [Photos]

The Little Taju That Nigerian Celebrities Have Been Searching For Has Been Found [Photos]
The Little Taju That Nigerian Celebrities Have Been Searching For Has Been Found [Photos]

A 5 year old boy named Taju whose video went viral yesterday has been found after several celebrities like AY Makun, Don Jazzy, Falz, Adeniyi Johnson, Mo Abudu, Funmi Awelewa, Alibaba and others went searching for him.

The video which shows Taju trying to learn English language moved the celebrities who have now offered to help in sending him to school.

The Little Taju That Nigerian Celebrities Have Been Searching For Has Been Found [Photos]

”@funmiawelewa if you get Taju’s details pls share with me. Lets send him to school to let our interviewer in the video know that the smart kid is willing to learn.”

Later AY revealed that Don Jazzy has offered to help the little boy.

”Don Jazzy just reached out to me with 500k waiting for little Taju to go to school. We are still waiting to get proper information concerning meeting with him and his parents in Ibadan. Many thanks to @sotayogaga @funmiawelewa @adeniyijohnson who shared the video to our notice. I am so sure with the involvement of @moabudu @falzthebahdguy @iamsmade @_kehindebankole @iambimbothomas and other well meaning Nigerians we shall make this happen to many other Tajus out there. God bless you all. #tajugoestoschool’ he wrote.”

Finding little Taju, he shared:

”Oyaaaaaaa, I’m so happy right now… Taju has been found   Regrann from @funmiawelewa – After so much stress and trials, we finally found him. Thanks to @elamefa @bolarinwaolamide @tolaolajiire #Taju

Thanks to everyone that wants the best for Taju.

@aycomedian @adeniyijohnson @donjazzy @jagabanyoutube @Alibabagcfr @chelseacurrency @falzthebahdguy @moabudu @iambimbothomas and many more. Thanks!


From the left; Taju’s Dad, Taju’s Mom elder sis, Funmiawelewa, Elamefa, Tola Olajiire, Taju’s Granma and Bolarinwa Olamide. – #regrann.”