Why Madonna Dated Only Toyboys and Why, As She Pushes 60, She’s Finally Got Bored With Them

Last year, Madonna adopted another two more children from Malawi — four-year-old orphan twins Estere and Stella.

Six kids, no husband, single mom — I never thought that would be me,’ she said, ‘but pretty much everything that’s ever happened to me in this life is something I never imagined.’

On August 16, she turns 60. It won’t make much difference to her: she’ll continue to mount her elaborate shows, pump out new songs and face the world with defiance.

Privately, however, Madonna admits that it would be nice to have a boyfriend ‘who might be old enough to remember the TV show Friends’.

Why Madonna Dated Only Toyboys and Why, As She Pushes 60, She’s Finally Got Bored With Them