Man Calls For Reintroduction Of ‘Ekpo-Nka-Owo'[ A Spirit That Punishes Infidelity In Marriage In Akwa Ibom]

My colleague Nsikak Etuk (and GLOBAL CONCORD’S Features Editor), had a similar, yet more direct encounter. He had been invited for the first time by a married woman and senior government functionary to her office in the State Secretariat. She had been reading his columns and corresponding with him, building in him the trust that she was truly progressive, but inspite of never seeing him physically, she developed an unhealthy interest in him. When she saw him for the first time in her office, her self-composure gave way, as she attempted to seduce him forcefully. It took Nsikak’s moral strength to rebuff her and invent a reason to discontinue with the interview. After his escape, he distanced himself from her by ignoring her calls and text messages. Most married women are indeed a shame to their husbands!

I have come to realize that one of the reasons which drive many women into extramarital affairs is the fact that most men do not have time for their wives; and think that giving them money and whatever they want is the only thing they can do for them. I have also come to realize that many men befriend their businesses and offices, to the detriment of their houses and wives. Some of them are equally guilty of promiscuity as they chase all manner of women. Many women also hold the view that their men cheat on them and so they have a right to also cheat on such men in revenge. That is nonsense! I am not in any way encouraging adultery or sexual promiscuity of any kind, but then the truth is that our society frowns more at promiscuous, loose, and wayward women, than it does men of similar traits. For instance, if a young man befriends all the young girls in the neighborhood, everybody (including the women), will hail him as a strong man (whatever that means); but if a young girl or woman is seen or suspected to befriend more than one boy or man (even if they are not resident within the neighborhood), she will be scorned, despised and christened a ‘prostitute’. So it would be laughable, for any woman to stupidly and shamelessly try to argue revenge or any other reason as a defense for her waywardness.

Our society approves of polygamy and disapproves of polyandry (a situation where a woman marries more than one husband). It could even be said that our society does not recognize the latter. I am therefore of the very strong opinion that Ekpo-Nka-Owo should be reintroduced into our matrimonial homes, because too many women of this day and age have become a disgrace to their husbands, children, families, relatives, friends, acquaintances, and society in general.

Man Calls For Reintroduction Of 'Ekpo-Nka-Owo'[ A Spirit That Punishes Infidelity In Marriage In Akwa Ibom]