May Edochie Appreciates Her Support Systems

  • May Edochie has shown appreciation for her online community, calling them her family.
  • In a recent appearance on comedian AY Makun’s podcast, she talked about dealing with the pressures of fame.
  • May mentioned that her family and friends are crucial to her support.

Nigerian socialite May Edochie, who was previously married to Yul Edochie, has shown appreciation for her online community, calling them her family.

In a recent appearance on comedian AY Makun’s podcast, Glass House, she talked about dealing with the pressures of fame.

May mentioned that her family and friends are crucial to her support, but she especially acknowledged her online followers for their loyalty and readiness to defend her from any harsh comments.

She said:

“Having a positive mindset is key for me, I embrace authenticity and I don’t take my personal issues to social media. I have this big support system, my family and friends are always there for me when I need them. And then my online family members, they are readily available. They’re like a pillar, they’re reliable and dependable and they are ready to give it to anyone who chooses to display their insensitivity. If you choose to exhibit your insensitivity, when it gets overboard, they will come for you.”

See the video below:

See some comments below:

@stylescapture: “I do not take my personal problems to social media. I have this strong support system, my family and friends 👏👏👏 so proud of you Queen. Because why do people take their personal issues online when you have family and friends to rant to or cry to??”

@charitynelson79: “This lady called May is full of wisdom. God bless u and protect u and ur children always ❤️.”

@helenogbonna1: “I have watched it 🤣🤣 my fave darling queen with wisdom love you always.”

@Enachel_love: “Smart queen… I like her answer.. no be gbas gbos but when you choose to exhibit your INSENSITIVITY the online family will come for you😍.”

@sulejane2gan: “Where is that mumu that previously went to podcast let him come and learn lessons. Just tell me when and where, and I will be there.”

@Nisoify: “You see that online family she’s talking about? I’m one of the online family, in fact, a family head at that.”

@Iamavaadi_t: “Na so I been dey love this woman dey go😍.”

@Bellepeauworld: “Yes we go drag the person by their pu*bic hair😂😂😂😂u fit still call am gbasgbos.”

@mercysamson9: “Queen May knows her fans very well 😂😂😂 but the fans are divided into two sha, one part just dey flow while the other half go dig out your secret rub am for your face as punishment of you refusing to have sense 😂.”

@Iammrsoffeh: “Wow just wow, too much wisdom in one person ❤️.”

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