Mcconnell Accuses Dems For “Fishing For Another Impeachment” Amid Pandemic

Breitbart reports Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) on Wednesday criticized House Democrats for “fishing for another impeachment” against President Donald Trump as his administration continues to battle the Chinese coronavirus pandemic.

“Over here in the United States Senate, the lights are on, the doors are open, and we are working for the American people,” McConnell said in a floor speech as he highlighted the upper chamber’s activities in the last month. “And across the rotunda, in the House? Crickets.”

“Their lights are off. Their doors are locked. ‘The People’s House’ has shown up for a grand total of two legislative session days since late March,” he added. “But they did find the time to keep fishing for another impeachment.

McConnell then referenced House Democrats tells the Supreme Court Monday they need access to secret grand jury materials because they are still investigating President Trump for now-debunked collusion with Russia and could potentially move to impeach him for a second time.

“More than a year after the Mueller Report thoroughly debunked the collusion conspiracy theory, Democrats are still pursuing the administration in court over that document,” McConnell said.

As Breitbart News reported:

In a legal filing published by CNN, Democrats said that they need the grand jury materials because the House Judiciary Committee’s impeachment inquiry into Trump’s alleged obstruction of justice in the Russia investigation is ongoing.

The Democrat-run House seeks “disclosure to the House Committee on the Judiciary of a limited set of grand-jury materials for use in the Committee’s ongoing Presidential impeachment investigation,” the Supreme Court filing says.

The saga began in 2019, when Special Counsel Robert Mueller determined that there had been no collusion between Russia and the Trump campaign. When he released his report, however, Mueller submitted two volumes — one on the collusion investigation, and one on a separate obstruction of justice investigation. Though he made no recommendation for prosecution, Democrats seized on the latter as providing the basis for potentially impeaching Trump for obstruction.

Further, House Democrats stated that they are reviewing “the possible exercise of improper political influence over recent decisions made in the Roger Stone and Michael Flynn prosecutions, both of which were initiated by the special counsel.”