Meet the 10-Year-Old Boy Who Has Been Drinking Dog Milk Since He Was 4 Years Old [Photos and Video]


The boy in the picture above, who was identified as Mohit Kumar, a 10-year-old boy from Manaitand, India, has been feasting on dog milk ever since he was four. His parents are desperate to get him to stop sucking the milk of stray bitches in their town, but so far they’ve been unable to find a way.

According to Oddity Central, Mohit was weaned at two years, but at the age of four he developed a rather strange habit – sucking the milk of stray bitches.

“Once Mohit was playing with stray dogs outside and happened to suck on the breasts of a B!tch. Since then he does the same whenever he gets a chance to do so,” his mother Pinky says. “Bitches of the area have also taken a liking to him and feed him whenever Mohit wants them to.”

His worried parents don’t even allow the boy to go outside without supervision, for fear that he will seek out stray bitches to get his milk fix, but he sometimes gives them the slip.

“We do not even allow him to go to school fearing that this habit may only get worse,” Pinky adds.

Watch Mohit in the video below: