MONKEY POX: Serious Tension In Maiduguri As Students Flee School Over Vaccination

MONKEY POX: Serious Tension In Maiduguri As Students Flee School Over VaccinationMONKEY POX: Serious Tension In Maiduguri As Students Flee School Over Vaccination


It appears like the reports of vaccination of school children against monkey pox by soldiers in the eastern part of the country – have spread like wildfire round the nation following chaos today in Maiduguri, Borno state capital. According to multiple reports, school activities were cut short earlier today after reports filtered into town that students are being injected with vaccines by a non-governmental organisation (NGO).

Parents immediately stormed the schools and withdrew their children as panic spread from one school to the other.

According to reports, the parents are refusing their children/wards to be vaccinated by anyone over fear of the dreaded monkey pox virus.