Morgan Freeman Demands Apology from CNN over Sexual Harassment Report

Morgan Freeman Demands Apology from CNN over Sexual Harassment ReportMorgan Freeman Demands Apology from CNN over Sexual Harassment Report

The lawyer for 80-year-old Oscar-winning actor is demanding that popular media, CNN issue a retraction for its report accusing Freeman of inappropriate behavior, though the network is not backing down.

American veteran actor, Morgan Freeman has demanded retraction and an apology from CNN over sexual harassment report.

The lawyer for 80-year-old Oscar-winning actor is demanding that popular media, CNN issue a retraction for its report accusing Freeman of inappropriate behavior, though the network is not backing down.

A copy of the 10-page letter from Robert M. Schwartz addressed to Jeff Zucker (the president of CNN), which says the outlet has “defamed Mr. Freeman” was obtained by newsmen. The letter read in part;

“CNN has inflicted serious injury on his reputation and career, at a minimum, CNN immediately needs to issue a retraction and apologized to Mr. Freeman through the same channels, and with the same level of attention, that is used to unjustly attack him.”

The attorney’s letter alleges that the report has already had “devastating consequences” for the Shawshank Redemption actor.

“Mr. Freeman is being viewed in the global court of public opinion as someone akin to notorious harassers and accused rapists, such as Harvey Weinstein and Kevin Spacey, CNN had no justification for doing that.

“The damage CNN has inflicted is real. And given Mr. Freeman’s career and many motion picture and television commitments, it is substantial,” the letter continues. “If CNN has any decency or any allegiance to journalistic integrity, it will immediate [sic] retract the article and issue a public apology to Mr. Freeman.”

CNN quickly issued a statement saying the network stands by its story.

“The unfounded accusations made by Mr. Freeman’s lawyer are disappointing and are difficult to reconcile with Mr. Freeman’s own public statements in the aftermath of the story”

“CNN stands by its reporting and will respond forcefully to any attempt by Mr. Freeman or his representatives to intimidate us from covering this important public issue.”