Must See For All Ladies: 10 Things Virgins Discover On Their Wedding Night

Must See For All Ladies: 10 Things Virgins Discover On Their Wedding NightMust See For All Ladies: 10 Things Virgins Discover On Their Wedding Night

Things virgins discover: The wedding night for a virgin can cause anxiety that will make you sweat your expensive make up job right off.

Sex is a big topic whether you are a virgin or not, and the wedding night builds up so much anticipation that you want to just crawl into a hole and disappear and hope that your friends and family forget that you even got married.

For a virgin, there are so many rumors that go around and unprecedented advice given before the night that you are supposed to do the deed that it is hard to not wonder what it will be like, it is hard to not psych yourself out only to be let down and wondering what all the fuss was about.

However, when the night finally happens [after the anticipation and excitement or dread]you are left puzzled and with a whole bunch of thoughts that will leave your head spinning. You start to question what happened to all the glitz and glam that people talk about surrounding sex and furthermore, you have to wonder why you are left so lost and confused about all the after thoughts.

No matter how humorous, repulsive, annoying, or weird the experience was, it will forever be one that sticks out in your mind and while all those thoughts that come afterwards warrant an answer you may never figure out what some of those feelings mean.

Keep in mind that there is more than one virgin out there who is experiencing the wedding night, post intercourse feelings that seem so familiar to you.

10 You Don’t Like Your First Time

You may have hated that experience more than anything in your life; and you may even think that intercourse is not for you; of course you are jumping the gun because it is your first time and how it happens and how it feels will change over time.

However, in that moment you are feeling as though this experience is not for you and you may never want to do it again, that is normal and chances are you will want to do it again. The more you do it the better it becomes. So do not say you do not like intercourse, just say it was not great that time.

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