My girlfriend loves spending on me but refuses to cook – Nigerian man seeks advice

  • A Nigerian man is confused by his girlfriend’s mixed characteristics, leading him to believe she practices feminism.
  • He mentioned that she doesn’t mind spending on him and handling bills, but she’s against cooking.
  • A man is considering marrying a woman who argues that cooking is not a woman’s role, raising concerns about her potential feminist traits.
My girlfriend loves spending on me but refuses to cook - Nigerian man seeks advice

A Nigerian man expressed confusion about his girlfriend’s mixed qualities, which lead him to believe she practices feminism.

He stated that she is fine with spending on him and handling the bills rather than collecting from him, but she is adverse to the concept of cooking.

The man claimed she told him that cooking is not a woman’s function because they are expected to share household responsibilities. He wonders if her feminist trait should be interpreted as a red flag given that he is considering taking her as his wife.

Taking to anonymous messaging platform, he wrote; “My girlfriend is pretty, smart and caring so much that she’d rather use her money to buy stuffs for us than accept from me. My fear is she has an undertone of a Feminist. Recently she argued it’s not women’s role to cook for the household that it’s a joint thing. Could this be a red flag for a wife.”

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