Na mumu Dey go woman house-Angry mom bathes daughter’s boyfriend with boiling water after catching them pants down

  • In a video which has since gone viral, the woman s seen struggling with the boy as she ran into her room, got the water and bathed the young man with it.

An angry mother has bathed her daughter’s boyfriend with boiling water after catching them pants down in her home.

In a video which has since gone viral, the woman s seen struggling with the boy as she ran into her room, got the water and bathed the young man with it.

According to reports that accompanied the video, the angry mother has earlier warned her daughter to desist from bring men into her home.

The warnings obviously fell on deaf ears as the girl continued despite several warnings from her mother.

After catching them, the mother locked the gate and bathed the poor boy with the boiling water.

The person who shared the video online captioned it,

“Omoh!! So this girl dey always carry guys enter hin mama house and dem go dey kn%ck her for there!! The mum has allegedly warn%d her multiple times but won’t listen!! 👀 But this time around, she c%ught her daughter “red handed” and d%alt m%rcilessly with the guy even p0ured him h0t water”

Reacting to the video, One Jarusalem_212 wrote, “After my experience, I’ve come to a conclusion that Na mumu Dey go woman house “

One Iamjustified_ wrote, “If I no give your mama better 4 make I bend the voice way I go give her lasan she go let me go deal with her daughter”

One rockyoflife wrote, “The woman sef no get sense, sorry to say make she take care of her daughter and teach her well coz the guy no deserve hot water… abi I no talk am well ni.”