“Nah Why U Keep Adding Up Ur Baby Mamas” – Ubi Franklin Reveals Why Getting Married Isn’t A ‘Must’

Controversial Music executive cum Sandra Iheuwa’s baby daddy, Ubi Franklin has asserted that marriage is not a must as he addressed some issues about marriage.

Taking to his Twitter page, Ubi Franklin pointed out that some people don’t even know why they are getting married, as he claims some just want the attention on their wedding day but marriage according to him is deeper.

According to him, if you go on your knees to engage a woman and she needs people to shout ‘say yes’ before she takes the ring, then both lovers are not there yet.

The father of four indicated that we need to understand that from past experience, we date sometimes to satisfy our immediate need, not necessarily material things (money).

Part of his tweet that has generated mixed reactions online reads;

‘some stories you hear about marriage these days you will understand we need to sort some fundamental problems that are left unsaid.”

His point of view sparked mixed reactions on twitter,

one officialsamvail remarked; “Marriage is the best thing that can happen to human. The discussion should be marry your friend and be ready for the better or worse.”

bdswearsng wrote: “People have to learn to stop projecting their situations on others or as a fact”

jetprintsng wrote: “I know right ,when you have been there done that, but marriage is a beauty thing though if you find the right partner, just patience and understanding.”

temilorunare wrote; “That’s why u keep adding up ur baby mama’s huh 😒😒…no b u go tell me waiting i go do sha !!”