Nicki Minaj Arrested By Police In Amsterdam For “Carrying Drugs”

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Singer Nicki Minaj was apprehended by the authorities at Amsterdam’s Schiphol Airport for possessing illegal drvgs, as per a statement from a spokesperson for the Netherlands border police.

Robert Kapel, representing the Royal Netherlands Marechaussee, verified the detention of a 41-year-old American citizen after the discovery of prohibited substances during a search.

Despite not explicitly mentioning Nicki Minaj, she broadcasted the incident live on Instagram, capturing the Amsterdam police’s attempt to arrest her.

In the live stream, Nicki Minaj asserted that the pre-rolled joints discovered in her possession did not belong to her.

Initially, she resisted cooperating with the police and requested legal representation, but eventually complied and got into a police vehicle.

During her transport, Minaj expressed concern about making her next show, scheduled for Saturday night in Manchester, England, as part of her Pink Friday 2 World Tour.

The officer assured her they would try to get her there as soon as possible.

On Saturday, Minaj provided additional details about the encounter, stating that police claimed to have found marijuana and needed another group to come and weigh the pre-rolled joints.

She stressed that her security team had already advised police that the pre-rolls belonged to them, not her.

Minaj also mentioned that the pilot requested she take down her Instagram post about the incident.

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