Nigerian Lesbian, Amara in Tears as She gets Into an Altercation with Her Mom over Her Sexuality [VIDEO]

A video of controversial Nigerian lesbian, Amara, having a verbal altercation with her mother over her sexuality has been shared online.

In the video, Amara could be seen exchanging words with her mother who blamed her for the judgment she has been receiving from people.

According to her mum, people have been pointing fingers and criticizing her because of her sexuality.

Amara, who seemed upset by the conversation, insisted that she is not a “sin” because she’s a lesbian. According to her, it’s not her fault that she’s in Nigeria where people are judgmental.

Sharing the video on her IG page, Amara wrote,

“Yesterday the woman who birthed me and I had one of the most difficult conversations we’ve ever had.

At the end, it was clear I should stop coming to hers if I didn’t want to feel like a sin, or be told that I am a sin.

She said people laugh at her when she walks down the street and I must be a selfish child to not think of my family and how my choices causes everyone pain. I was able to tell her repeatedly “Mummy I am not a sin, I am not the reason you are hurting, you are hurting because Nigerians are judgmental and you won’t pick me, your child”

She said she can’t pick me nor support me. Said she just can’t. Until I stop being a lesbian she can’t be proud of me. She can’t be happy with me. She said of all her problems, I’m the number one. That I’m causing her so much pain and she cries because of me. Said her god will fight her enemies, the ones who possessed me to be a lesbian.

Right now, I’m on my bed, my head is banging, my body’s temperature is rising, I don’t want to be awake but I can’t sleep. I’m sad, I’m really sad.

Somewhere along the line, I kind of nurtured and believed the idea that if I tried harder, my birth family will see me and respect me, but yesterday’s conversation made it clear that they don’t want a lesbian in their family. They don’t, they can’t.

Their perfect family is ruined if they accept that one of the children is a lesbian, so I’ve decided it’s time. It’s time, I’m extremely tired. It’s time. I’m done. I’m completely and utterly done.

Until they call for me with love, I’m not going back to that house again. I didn’t want to accept it but I have to now, I’m a lesbian woman and my birth family is utterly ashamed of me and doesn’t want me close.

So, I’m done. I’m gone. It is done. I’m tired. I’m so so tired. I’m tired. I can’t keep trying. I’m tired. I’m tired. It’s done.”