Nkechi Blessing Considering Surgery To Reduce Her Butt

Nkechi Blessing Sunday has made a shocking revelation that has got people talking on her Instagram story. She disclosed that she is considering undergoing cosmetic surgery to reduce the size of her “bumbum” to a smaller size. According to her, the size of her backside is weighing her and gives her constant pain in her legs.

The naturally endowed actress Nkechi Blessing Sunday is currently considering surgery to reduce the large size of her bum and rather flatten her tummy.

“As e dey go now, me sef dey consider surgery but mine na to reduce my ass cus I tell you for months now I have been dealing with serious leg pain cus of big yansh. Which doctor dey suck out yansh abeg, suck am out gimme flat tummy”, Nkechi Blessing shared this post on her Instagram story.