Rita Edochie, a Nollywood actress, lambasted her nephew, Yul Edochie, for uploading a video as evidence against his father, Pete Edochie.
According to GISTLOVER, Yul Edochie appeared to have released his rage on his father, Pete Edochie, following his bombshell interview in which he separated himself from Judy Austin.
On his Facebook page, where he has been active, he indicated that many people are unaware of the true story.
He explained how it all started by showing a video of Judy Austin, who was pregnant at the time, meeting Pete Edochie.
Many people don’t know the real story. The real story will come out soon. Chief Pete Edochie, Judy Austin, Yul Edochie.
This is how it all started”.
Tackling him via her Instagram page, Rita Edochie mocked him for his lack of evidence, as she noted how he and Judy would continue to explain.
She re-affirmed that Judy Austin was picked through the help of hired Ogbommanu workers in Onitsha.
“No evidence, una go explain tire.
Drama Devil was picked through the help of hired Ogbommanu workers in Onitsha. So bikonu since when picture don turn, una go see evidence”.