No nonsense Priest Hits Baby for Crying during Baptism [video]

No nonsense Priest Hits Baby for Crying during Baptism

A French priest has been captured on camera as he slapped a baby during its baptism as the toddler’s family was forced to wrestle their child away from the angry cleric.

According to a video by Dailymail UK, the clergyman hit the child in the face with his left hand after he lost his temper when the child would not stop crying during the ceremony. It was learnt that the clergyman was obviously irritated at the loud noise by the child during the baptism, and raised his voice over the baby’s crying, apparently speaking directly to the child.

The child’s relatives still appear to be smiling as the priest brings the baby’s head towards his, but the baby reacts badly and flails its right arm towards the woman. As it carries on crying the priest says: ‘Calm down, calm down, you must calm down.’

The child’s shocked relatives take the baby out of the clergyman’s grip after he slapped it. The priest who visibly annoyed, then holds the baby’s face in his hands, looks it in the eyes and slaps it hard on the cheek with his left hand.

The outraged family members of the baby watching on, reacted in shock and stepped in to snatch their baby back.

A man who appears to be the child’s father snatched the child out of the priest’s grip, even as the cleric seems unrepentant and tussles for possession of it.

It is not known when the footage was filmed but it was captured in a church where the ceremony was conducted in French.

No nonsense Priest Hits Baby for Crying during Baptism