OMG! Jealous Uncle Uses Charm [JUJU] To Facilitate Deportation of His 7 Nephews

OMG! Jealous Uncle Uses Charm [JUJU] To Facilitate Deportation of His 7 NephewsOMG! Jealous Uncle Uses Charm [JUJU] To Facilitate Deportation of His 7 Nephews

A man in Anambra State has reportedly facilitated the deportation of his 7 nephews just because they were doing better in life than his own children.

The incident narrated by one Evang Emmanuel Chinonye Nnabueze on Facebook, revealed that the man had all the while been pretending to be a friend of the family while using Black Magic to wreak havoc in their home.

He was arrested spiritually after he followed the members of the afflicted to a church program.

Read the full post below:


Seven brothers deported from different countries within the period of two years and not only that they were deported but have their belongs confiscated by the authorities, nobody could ascertain what is happening not even their parents.

Most of their investments in the country has been sold out to aid life, they are contemplating of selling the only parcel of the land left but how can a man fold his hands watch his children getting drown day by day, in the misdt of this confusion came their Niece with the idea of a Man of God who she encountered 2015 at St Paul Catholic Church Ebuta-Meta Lagos.

She sold the idea to them which they bought wholeheartedly and determine to give it what it takes. But the challenge is how to reach the Man of God in question as she don’t have his contact neither does she know where he based, the only avenue left is for her to go back where she met him to see if she can see anyone who has a clue to link her to the Man of God, luckily for her the first man she enquired from was the chairman organised committee of that programme “Bro Daniel” after unveiling her purpose.

The contact was given to her. Shocking for her to hear that the Man of God based in Abuja not in Lagos, still determined put a call to me, from the tone of her voice I knew something is actually wrong with her, I have to calm her down so I can hear what she is saying. After listening to her. 40 days prayer and fasting was given to them pending our coming.

Came the appointed day. The man “their biological father” discussed with his brother who happened to be his children uncle to assist him by using his vehicle to pick us at Okija junction to Ubahueze and pleaded with his brother to participate in the prayer to avoid what befalls on his children getting to his children too.

He agreed and accepted. When he came to pick us, he was so jovial and lively with us, telling us how good his brother’s children has been to him even the vehicle he came to pick us with was given to him by them, he was so happy that God has finally remembered them. He even bought us full pack of bottle water when he asked us what he could get for us. He was so nice and friendly, easy going man so to say

During the night of the prayer, he came as promised with his own children. God who nothing can be hidden before Him began to unveil the veils. Who could believe that this man is behind the tragedies that has be falling this family.

He now open up to us. His anger is that his brother’s children are all doing well than his own children, so jealous and hatred crept in. He visited a native doctor who took him to an evil forest that took us almost 6/7km trekking from the express, in that forest was a tree, the names of those children were written all over the tree, all the clothes and wrappers given to him by those children were all hang on the tree.

That was the genesis of those children’s misfortunes.

To be honest I could not hold my Holy anger. I did not know when I dashed him one holy hot slap, command him to bring those clothes and wrappers down and removed their names one after the other with renunciation. Which he did.

Why are people wicked? Especially to someone who love them genuinely. Hear me friends, that your bossom friends could be your bossom enemies

OMG! Jealous Uncle Uses Charm [JUJU] To Facilitate Deportation of His 7 Nephews