Pastor Shocks the Members, Arrives Church in Convoy of a Rolls Royce, Horses and Police Outriders [Video]

Pastor Shocks the Members, Arrives Church in Convoy of a Rolls Royce, Horses and Police Outriders [Video]Pastor Shocks the Members, Arrives Church in Convoy of a Rolls Royce, Horses and Police Outriders [Video]

Pastor, Alph Lukau, who is the General Overseer of Alleluia Ministries International, made a grand entrance into his church that surprised everyone.

South African pastor, Alph Lukau, who is the founder and General Overseer of Alleluia Ministries International, made a grand entrance into his church that surprised everyone.

The video of him arriving his church has been making the rounds on social media as it shows him in a presidential-style arrival to his church recently.

His convoy consisted of a Rolls Royce, Horses and Motorcades. The horse riders led the convoy while the police outriders followed.

watch the video of his arrival below;

According to the church website,

Pastor Alph N Lukau is the founder and General Overseer of Alleluia Ministries International. He is a Bible Scholar and a renowned International Speaker who ministers in different platforms around the world. Through his ministry, people are saved, healed, delivered, we have seen families restored and many miracles have taken place.

He is a coach, mentor, father and leader among leaders. As a spiritual father to many, he also submitted to the late pastor Jacques a Vernaud who was his spiritual father until his passing in 28 September 2011.

Pastor Alph is also known for his passion for perfection in service delivery and continues to set the standard for excellence in ministry. He is also an accomplished businessman and is an icon in the market place.

He is married to his beautiful wife, the First Lady Celeste Lukau who serves with him in ministry.