Donald Trump has hit out at recent polls suggesting he has one of the worst early approval ratings in US history, saying that “any negative polls are fake news”.

A CNN/ORC International poll released on Friday found Mr Trump had the lowest approval rating of any new President, at 44 per cent.
Mr Trump wrote on Twitter: “Any negative polls are fake news, just like the CNN, ABC, NBC polls in the election. Sorry, people want border security and extreme vetting.”

In a second tweet he continued to rail against the “FAKE NEWS media” which he accused of Spreading “lies”.
“I call my own shots, largely based on an accumulation of data, and everyone knows it,” he wrote.
Another survey carried out over the weekend by Gallup, which has polled for every US president since Dwight D Eisenhower; put his approval rating even lower, at 42 per cent.
His disapproval rating also jumped from 50 to 53 per cent. Gallup said it was a record low for a president just two weeks into office.
By comparison, Barack Obama polled around 76 per cent after his first 14 days in charge – the highest of any recent president – while George W Bush was on 58 per cent and Bill Clinton achieved 59 per cent.