Prophet TB Joshua of the Synagogue Church of All Nations, has identified another type of coronavirus.
He said;
“Let us discuss the fruit of COVID-19 that it appears the world is yet to notice. First, let’s take note that there are two COVID-19s,” he said during his live service on Sunday.
“In the first, those who tested positive to the virus have symptoms such as a cough, fever, headache, difficulty in breathing, loss of smell, etc.
“The deadlier COVID-19 is the one most people are not talking about but some of us may have seen or heard about. This is hardly mentioned – suicide, murder, divorce, a change in temperament – yet, it is the result of COVID-19.
“Many are saying, ‘I cannot eat what I want to eat. I cannot go where I want to go. I have lost my job. They are disturbing me because of debt’. This is as a result of COVID-19.
“Throat pain, cough, fever are symptoms of the COVID-19 virus, so also, this is a virus! We keep talking about one side of COVID-19; we don’t talk about the other side, which has no drug prescribed for it and is a lot deadlier.
“How do we overcome COVID-19? We can only overcome COVID-19 by changing our approach. Attention is promotion. Whatever we promote grows.
“Viewers, begin to talk less of your sickness, your situation, your pain! Talk less of demons – I mean, satan.
“Talk less of what you see as an enemy – don’t give them attention! The more attention you give them, the more power, honour you unknowingly bestow upon them.
“Talk less of your opposition and talk more of your Comforter! Talk less of your battles and talk more of the One who is fighting for you! Talk less of your warfare and talk more of the promise of victory!
“The way we talk about COVID-19 promotes it, seems to give so much recognition to it.
“If you are not talking about something, it does not mean the thing does not exist.
“Viewers, many of us are in this situation now. A lot of people have developed depression, anxiety, anger, irritation, addiction to smoking, drinking, excessive eating, they are always on their phones, watching ungodly acts — things that were not there before COVID-19.
“Yet, our attention is only on the known COVID-19, which causes coughing, fever, breathing problems, etc. This is the noise everywhere today.
“The main one that is causing our economy to run dry, causing depression in our social life, as well as divorce and suicide — that particular COVID-19 is not known.
“Man can only treat what we can see, not what we cannot see. Doctors treat; God cures. Viewers, take care of yourself. We are fighting the spirit beings that cause tension, pressure and anxiety. That is the major war now, since the battle of depression and isolation is not of drugs but spiritual.”