Put An End To All These Bloodsheds – Pope Francis Cautions Buhari

“Catholic Church can’t bless same-sex unions”-Vatican

Apex leader of the roman Catholic Church, Pope Francis has urged President Muhammadu Buhari to seek a lasting solution to the incessant killings and insecurity in Nigeria.

Nigeria has been thrown in a state of turmoil following the spate of crime in the country.

Pope Francis made his submission during his normal Wednesday General Audience at the Vatican City and voiced his spiritual solidarity with Nigerians following the slaughter of over 40 people by armed religious militia in Southern Kaduna last weekend.

The Pope said: “I learnt with pain the news of the armed attacks that took place last Sunday against the villages of Madamai Abun, in northern Nigeria.

“I pray for those who have died, for those who have been injured and for the entire Nigerian population. I hope that the safety of all citizens in the country will always be guaranteed,”

The comment of the Pope sparked reactions on social media as Nigerians reacted to the news. Below are some comments gathered.

I see different people opening threads and posting gory pictures of the late Akunyili. Everyone seem to have forgotten that, that same yesterday, soldiers killed several Shiites Muslims. They were whipped, shot at and stabbed mercilessly by the so-called soldiers who are supposed to be at the battle front in Borno, killing actual terrorists.

The question is, why is it that people are more concerned about the death of Akunyili than the deaths of those innocent Muslims?

Why is it that, the way those Muslims were murdered by “security agents”, is not more frightening than that of Dora Akunyili’s husband?

Or is it that, because the crime was perpetrated by soldiers in Abuja, somehow, that made it less terrible than the one done by alleged UGM in the East?