lady in Uganda was left with severe burns after her Muslim father set her alight after discovering she had converted to Christianity.
Christian watchdog reported that Rehema Kyomuhendo was staying at her aunt’s home in Mbale District due to being unable to travel because of the coronavirus restrictions.
But Kyomuhendo had begun listening to Christian radio programming and on May 4, began speaking to a friend who was a converted Roman Catholic.
“She explained to me about Christ and the way of salvation, and I got convicted and accepted Jesus as my Lord and Savior,” Kyomuhendo told Morning Star News.
“As she was sharing Christ with me, I was so overjoyed, and my father heard my joy and woke up, came from his bedroom furiously, and started beating me up with blows, slaps, and kicks.
”The father, identified as Sheikh Hussein Byaruhanga Husain, reportedly told his sister he was going to kill his daughter for converting to Christianity.
The father, identified as Sheikh Hussein Byaruhanga Husain, told his sister he was going to kill his daughter for converting to Christianity
He then poured petrol over Kyomuhendo and set her on fire.According to Star News, a source revealed Kyomuhendo’s aunt became a human shield between Kyomuhendo and her father.
“She carried her outside of the room together with a Christian neighbor who arrived,” the source said.
“The neighbor arranged for a taxi-van that took her to a hospital, and she got immediate treatment.
”Due to the extensive burns, the woman was hospitalized for more than a month.
But the attack was not reported to the police due to fears her father would try and kill Kyomuhendo again.

Christian ministry group, The Voice of the Martyrs, says radical Islam is a growing threat in Uganda.
According to the group’s mission, they are “dedicated to serving our persecuted family worldwide through practical and spiritual assistance and leading other members of the body of Christ into fellowship with them.
”According to an interim British report, Christians are the world’s most persecuted religious group.
The findings of the recently published overview, by Anglican Bishop of Truro the Right Rev. Philip Mounstephen, show the persecution of Christians has neared genocide levels in some parts of the world.
“Evidence shows not only the geographic spread of anti-Christian persecution but also its increasing severity,” the Bishop wrote.
“In some regions, the level and nature of persecution is arguably coming close to meeting the international definition of genocide, according to that adopted by the UN.”