Veteran Nollywood actress Rita Edochie has subtly criticized Judy Austin for her frequent public displays of affection towards her husband, Yul Edochie. The remarks come after a video surfaced showing Judy welcoming Yul home in an elaborate manner.
Taking to Instagram, Rita expressed her views on what she described as unnecessary attention-seeking behaviors, emphasizing that true love doesn’t require constant public affirmation.
In her post, Rita wrote:
“It is only an idle woman with no busy schedule that sits at home waiting for a man to return home every day so she can shout at the top of her voice, making videos and showering him with praises all in the name of Peace of Mind.
The quality of a good wife is never determined by shouting and reigning praises on a man. She can do all of that and still be his worst nightmare tomorrow.
Any woman who constantly comes on social media to sing praises to a man, making classless videos here and there is nothing but an idle liability. True and natural love doesn’t call for constant filming and making of lousy videos when there are lots of things a reasonable wife should do to get the family on track.”
Rita’s statement resonated with fans who praised her for promoting values of quiet strength and meaningful contributions within the family unit. She concluded her message with a reflection on the enduring value of a virtuous woman, asserting that genuine effort and character can never be overshadowed.
The post has stirred reactions online, with some applauding Rita’s perspective, while others viewed it as a direct jab at Judy Austin’s public displays. The incident highlights the ongoing tensions and differing views surrounding family dynamics and public life in the Edochie household.