Brazil Beats Italy For The Third-Highest Coronavirus Death In A Country

Italy is no longer the third-highest coronavirus deaths as Brazil takes over after a daily record of 1,473 fatalities took its total tally to more than 34,000.

The figure published by Brazil’s health ministry on Thursday night has revealed that only the United States and the United Kingdom have registered more deaths from the disease.

The official number of infections rose to nearly 615,000, the second-largest caseload in the world, behind the US.

Shortly before the numbers were released, Brazil’s president Jair Bolsonaro said in an online broadcast: “We can’t go on like this. Nobody can take it anymore,” the president said , of the stay-at-home measures, being implemented by state governors and mayors across Brazil even as the number of infections and deaths continues to increase.

“The collateral impact will be far greater than those people who unfortunately lost their lives because of these last three months here,” Jair said.

See How Brazil Beats Italy For The Third-Highest Coronavirus Death In A Country