See What Your Mucus Say about Your Health [If Your Mucus Is Yellow Or Green See Doctor Immediately]

If your mucus is pink or red

you were bleeding or still are. Nasal tissue can break from dryness, impact, or some other sort of irritation (like your, um, finger). “A pink tinge is usually older blood, but bright red is a sign of active bleeding,” says Dr. Iloreta. If you consistently blow bloody snot into your tissue or cough it up, that’s cause for concern and you should see a doctor, he says.

And medium consistency (not too runny, not too thick) you’re normal. If you feel it drip into the back of your throat or from the tip of your nose, it might be a sign of allergies that you inhaled a bit of dust or sinusitis if it’s accompanied by a headache or facial pain, says Dr. Iloreta.

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