Serious Prayers and Fasting Declared for Shepherd Bushiri Who’s Accused of Fraud

Serious Prayers and Fasting Declared for Shepherd Bushiri Who’s Accused of FraudSerious Prayers and Fasting Declared for Shepherd Bushiri Who’s Accused of Fraud

Zimbabwean pastor, Ubert Angel has called for fasting and prayers for his friend and fellow pastor, Shepherd Bushiri, who got arrested in South Africa.

Shepherd Bushiri and his wife were arrested last week for fraud and money laundering. He is accused of sending sending R15million out of South Africa to his birth country Malawi through vehicles and his private jet.

Pastor of Spirit Embassy, Uebert Angel has called for prayers for the embattled preacher via his social media handles.

He wrote:

“FASTING and PRAYER from 12 midnight to Monday 1300 afternoon for MAJOR 1 @shepherdbushiri and @prophetess_mary_b We are praying and fasting THANKING GOD in FAITH for What he is about to do in our LIVES and in the PROPHETS’ lives… VICTORY IS GUARANTEED in CHRIST that we SURE OF because we have a more sure word of prophecy in the written word of God as the scriptures say. ***After you break your fast make your way to the show ground and hear the word of the Lord from me THE EMERITUS. Your life will never be the same again!”

Serious Prayers and Fasting Declared for Shepherd Bushiri Who’s Accused of Fraud