She don steal all my Polo, just two weeks relationship – Man rages at girlfriend [Video]

A young man has been left disappointed and angry after his girlfriend of two weeks stole all his outfits from his wardrobe.

Apparently, the lady had visited and had pilfered all his expensive Polo outfits from his wardrobe.

When he discovered what had happened, he began calling her to return his clothes.

In the video which was made by his friend while he was next to himself with anger, he was seen calling his girlfriend and querying whether she knows how pricey the clothes she had taken is.

He proceeded to open the wardrobe to show his friend the empty hangers that held no clothes anymore.

Some reactions culled below:

Lmao you Dey hotel you Dey open wardrobe for us …the story no clear 😂😂 script 😆

The painful part is that you cant wear her own. 😂

Last last everybody go chop breakfast 🍳🙌

She’s a QUEEN 👑 n MOI MOI with a little sprinkle of LAWRENCE ANINI with C L ! T garnished with dessert 🥗 of OLE 🤔

Red flag 🚩 she doesn’t even like you, she’s there just for the benefits.

Go collect am oo dem no know say one polo fit buy their 5 gowns

Baba nor be your house you dey nah, try check out from that room by 12 cha😂

😂😂😂😂😂 me I won’t take Dem ooo but I will wear Dem I love guys wears tho