It Is Sinful to Give Your January Salary To A Pastor, Daddy Freeze Says As He Attacks Pastors Again

It Is Sinful to Give Your January Salary To A Pastor, Daddy Freeze Says As He Attacks Pastors AgainIt Is Sinful to Give Your January Salary To A Pastor, Daddy Freeze Says As He Attacks Pastors Again

Controversial radio personality Daddy Freeze is still stoking fire over the debate on tithing after he noted on his YouTube Vlog portal where he discusses and analyses both religious and social issues that it is nonsense and sinful to give your January salary to a pastor.

In the first episode of the YouTube Vlog series where he discusses issues pertaining to his #FreeTheSheeple movement, Daddy Freeze said that “pastors collecting first fruits from Christians are fraudsters.”


Two months ago, Daddy Freeze for the second time verbally attacked Pastor Enoch Adeboye of the Redeemed Christian Church (RCCG) over a televised sermon on “tithe & offering” when he said “the only reason we take offering at all is because, that’s the only way to get you out of poverty”.

Reacting to Pastor Adeboye’s sermon, Daddy Freeze took to social media to talk down such teachings when he said; “This is the kind of false preaching that probably plunged us into poverty in the first place! ~FRZ”

The radio personality who is the leader of ‘Free the sheeple’ movement in Nigeria commented further saying; “Paying tithe and giving offering to these guys WONT GET YOUR DUMB ASSES OUT OF POVERTY, there is a huge possibility that it’s what got you there in the first place! ~FRZ”

Last month, Daddy Freeze also replied a message by Leke Adeboye, the last son of Pastor Enoch Adeboye, who thanked the radio personality for the recent increase in church activities owing to the furore and debate over payment of tithe.


He replied Leke on Instagram congratulating him on the expansion of their “family business” while also saying he (Leke) is “going to inherit a blue-chip company”.