Sugar daddies have no right to complain about side chics asking for money – Influencer, Adeherself

Content creator cum comedian, Adeherself has said that men who are sugar daddies have no right to complain about their side chics who often demand money.

In a vide posted on Instagram, she sent a special shoutout to sugar daddies who live up to their roles of taking care of their homes while also sponsoring young girls.

She said that any man who knows he cannot handle the demands should just stick to being a faithful family man instead of wooing young girls.

Adeherself said that being in such category goees beyond being old or having beards as even a married 25 year old man can also be a sugar daddy so long as he provides for his girlfriends.

The content creator said that a 25 year old rich man who takes care of his family and as well as girlfriends would even have a wife that won’t give him headache because he is doing everything that is demanded from him at the homefront.