SUN SET AT DAWN! NUPENG Chairman, Assassinated After he was shot 8 times [Photos]

SUN SET AT DAWN! NUPENG Chairman, Assassinated After he was shot 8 times [Photos]SUN SET AT DAWN! NUPENG Chairman, Assassinated After he was shot 8 times [Photos]

The Delta state task force chairman of the Nigeria Union of Petroleum and Natural Gas Workers (NUPENG), Chief Akpokevughe, has been murdered.

According to reports, the deceased who has been the task force chairman for many years and refused to step aside, was assassinated in his vehicle yesterday along Sapele-Warri road in Delta state.

It was said that the deceased was shot about eight times in the head as the assassins ensured he died in their presence before taking off.

Rumour also has it that Chief Akpokevughe has many enemies and has stepped on many toes due to the kind of work he oversees.

The police have been made aware of the murder as an investigation into the matter has been launched

SUN SET AT DAWN! NUPENG Chairman, Assassinated After he was shot 8 times [Photos]