Prophet Shepherd Bushiri
Controversial Pastor Shepherd Bushiri Arrested For Fraud and Money Laundering
Controversial Pastor Shepherd Bushiri Arrested For Fraud and Money Laundering Controversial church leader Shepherd Bushiri arrested for fraud and money laundering. He was arrested alongside his wife.
Meet Pastor Shepherd Bushiri, Who Claims He Can Walk On Air, Summon Angels and Even Cure Cancer
Meet Pastor Shepherd Bushiri, Who Claims He Can Walk On Air, Summon Angels and Even Cure Cancer
Popular South African Pastor, Prophet Shepherd Bushiri Arrested For Alleged Drug Trafficking
Popular South African Pastor, Prophet Shepherd Bushiri Arrested For Alleged Drug Trafficking
Wealthy Malawi Pastor, Shepherd Bushiri Buys His Daughter A Maserati For Her 6th Birthday [Photos]
Wealthy Malawi Pastor, Shepherd Bushiri Buys His Daughter A Maserati For Her 6th Birthday [Photos]