Tochukwu Ogbuagu shared pictures on Facebook of a rundown three-story building in Aba, Nigeria, that is still being used by tenants. The building, located on Ukadike Street near Agulanna axis, shocked Tochukwu when he saw
A landlord went online to discuss her experience with a renter who unexpectedly redecorated her home. When she and others checked the residence, they noticed the occupants’ terrifying drawings on the walls and ceiling. The
Lady cries as landlord demolishes concrete stairs leading to their apartment, supposedly for rent difficulties. The event is said to have occurred in Ghana between the landlord and the renter, who allegedly wanted to force
A viral video shows a landlord confronting female tenants for spreading their underwear on the same clothesline where he regularly hangs his clothing. The landlord was observed yelling aggressively at the female tenants for allegedly
Ex-governor Ayo Fayose’s brother, Isaac Fayose, describes the day he removed the door and roof of a tenant who went to court despite owing him rent for four years. It was discovered that the nameless
A landlady identified as Augustas Okoro has reportedly removed her tenant’s roof Okuokoko community, close to Warri, Delta state, over unpaid rent. The report was shared by a Facebook user identified as Israel Joe who
Nigerian man has revealed a list of items his homeowner’s son expects him to provide at the deceased landlord’s funeral. The landlord’s son had asked the renter to a meeting before of the funeral in