Telegram CEO Pavel Durov Reveals How He Fathered Over 100 Biological Children Despite Never Being Married

Pavel Durov, the 39-year-old founder and CEO of Telegram Messenger, has revealed that he has more than 100 biological children spread throughout the globe.

This stunning discovery came through Pavel Durov’s personal channel, where he divulged unexpected insights about his personal life.

Durov, who has never married, claimed that his path to parenthood began 15 years ago when he was encouraged by a buddy to contribute sperm to help the friend and his wife, who were experiencing reproductive problems.

The choice, which was originally intended to help one couple, grew substantially when the clinic notified Durov that they needed more high-quality sperm donors.

Motivated by the clinic’s request, Durov agreed to give more sperm anonymously, assisting in the creation of children for several other families having similar reproductive issues.

As of 2024, Durov’s gifts had helped over 100 families in 12 different countries bear children.

Durov announced his plan to open-source his DNA, allowing his biological offspring to interact and learn about their common history.

He expressed delight in his involvement in alleviating the global scarcity of healthy sperm and the beneficial impact his donations have had on families all across the world.

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