The 9 Kinds Of People Supporting Buhari For A Second Term

The 9 Kinds Of People Supporting Buhari For A Second Term

When next you run into someone who just doesn’t understand that Nigeria deserves better than Buhari in 2019, don’t get mad at them. Run through these nine groups and you will find one that best describes them, and you can therefore understand how their mind works…

Corruption is fighting back! That is the constant refrain from the people in government and their supporters to criticisms of President Muhammadu Buhari or opposition to his re-election ambition. If, for example, you’re a journalist and you believe the president hasn’t done enough to earn a second term, it is because brown envelopes have been in short or no supply. If you’re a politician and you feel this way, you stole while in office or you will if you get there. All of us who have opted not to say ‘Sai Baba’ ahead of 2019 have one thing in common: Corruption.

Fortunately for Buhari’s supporters, they can’t all be shoehorned into one homogeneous group. Who, who and who, or which classes of people, belong to this heterogeneous mix? And are they supporting their man in the country’s best interest?

9-The people in government:

Around the time when former President Goodluck Jonathan was being told by some bigwigs in the Peoples Democratic Party (PDP) that he could not contest the 2015 presidential election because he had served out the remainder of the late Umaru Yar’Adua’s tenure (2010 to 2011) and was serving out a fresh term of his own (2011 to 2015), he met with Lagos-based print newspaper editors.

When one of them asked if he would re-contest or not, Jonathan neither said yes nor no. But he asked them to look into the mirror; the editorship of many of them predated his presidency yet they were still in office. He wasn’t chastising them but making a valid point about how self-perpetuation in power is intricately human.

It is no surprise that the people in Buhari’s government are desperate to have him back in 2019, despite the numerous and obvious red flags. Buhari is not the reason they support Buhari; their real interests are self-serving. To expect people in government to priotise the nation over self is a tall order very few people are capable of. The people in this group we must empathise with, not chastise.

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